On August 15, 2024, VSP Vision announced upcoming changes to its lab network. Learn more >

Screen Time Is Here and So Is Blue Light


August and September mean back-to-school days for students resulting in less time outside and more time hunkering down with studies, most of which will be on a computer. Children, teenagers and young adults spend more time in front of digital devices than any generation before which means they’re also exposed to blue light more than any other generation before. The world we all live in now is consumed by screens that can lead to digital eye strain, but let’s look at what blue light is and the available options, like TechShield® Blue Anti-Reflective Coatings, that can help reduce your patients’ exposure.

Why Is Blue Light Different?

While we cannot see blue light, we can certainly feel its effects. The color spectrum of visible light includes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Blue light is on the violet side of the visible color spectrum where wavelengths are shorter and considered high energy light. The biggest source of blue light is the sun; however, the digital age has added new sources of high energy light from flat screen TVs, laptops, smartphones, and LED lights that also emit a high amount of blue light.

“We know there is evidence that blue light can cause eye fatigue,” notes Chris Smiley, O.D., Vision Professionals in Columbus, OH. “We always ask how much time a patient spends looking at a screen and then recommend pairing their lens with TechShield Blue.”

Blue light can affect patients differently than other colors on the spectrum, but the most prevalent effect is digital eye strain, which can lead to eye fatigue, watery eyes and even headaches. Anti-reflective coatings like TechShield Blue intentionally reflect high frequency light away from the eye, while significantly reducing reflections from the rest of the spectrum. This, however, is only part of what a TechShield Blue Anti-Reflective Coating can do for patients.

The purpose of any anti-reflective coating is to allow more light through the lens and into the eye. The more light that reaches a patient’s eyes, the more visual clarity they will experience. As a Class D Premium AR coating, TechShield Blue includes anti-reflective, anti-glare coatings, a double-sided hard coat for scratch resistance and hydrophobic and oleophobic layers for smudge resistance and cleanability. On top of all these layers is blue light filtration that targets wavelengths associated with digital eye strain (400-430nm), reducing exposure by as much as 85% at its peak.

Start Patients Early

Students and young adults who understand the importance of protecting their eyes from blue light at an early age will have a huge advantage over others who do not. In addition to reducing digital eye strain, TechShield Blue gives patients the power to see clearer with all the benefits of a premium AR coating, such as better cleanability and smudge and scratch resistance.

The best reminder to your school-age patients is that ​TechShield Blue has an attractive, near-clear appearance when not in the presence of blue light. This enhancement eliminates harsh reflections from the lens surface so patients wearing them will have a more attractive appearance because their eyes can be seen through the lenses, a benefit that will appeal to younger patients.

Tap into Resources

The science behind optics and light spectrums can be a bit overwhelming, especially for new opticians. Fortunately, TechShield offers easy-to-understand resources to help you dispense with confidence. We also offer free e-books on blue light including Through A Child’s Eyes and The Evolving Science Behind Blue Light white paper. UUniversity™ also offers free online courses that can help you learn more about blue light.

The best way to learn more about TechShield Blue is to request a free demo so you can see for yourself how a premium AR coating can make a young patient a wearer for life.